Научные исследования: парадигма инновационного развития: тезисы докладов ІІ Международной научной конференции (Братислава, Вена, 27 апреля 2020 года)

Отрасль науки: Технические науки
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Серебреников В. М., Копайгора О. К., Заікіна Д. П. Оцінка адекватності методичного забезпечення АСУОП на ПАТ «Кривбасзалізрудком» // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2018. — №16. 

Отрасль науки: Технические науки
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Summary: The new concept of occupational health and safety correspond to the basic principles of legal regulation of labour relations in Ukraine, such as ensuring the right of every worker to fair working conditions, including working conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements and others.

Key words: the system of «human-machine-environment», hazardous event, occupational hazard, criteria for risk acceptance, occupational health and safety management system.

Отрасль науки: Технические науки
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Summary: Determining the trends in modern occupational health and safety's concept and examples of cause-effect relations of occupational diseases at Kryvbas mining enterprises.

Key words: the occupational accidents and diseases, a complex working-environment factor, aspects and psychological climate in the production, the occupational health and safety's concept, safety climate.

Отрасль науки: Технические науки
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