Населенный пункт:
Ужгород, Украина

Количество публикаций: 2

Толочко (Каралкіна) Н. В. Особливості дротового мовлення у період Підкарпатської Русі // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2018. — №20.

Отрасль науки: Социальные коммуникации
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Summary. The article analyses the problem of information language policy on the example of Transcarpathia. It is a multiethnic region in Ukraine where people of different nationalities have been living for centuries. The author studies the Ukrainian, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Gypsy and other media of the information field of Transcarpathia. This research is carried out in the light of the access to information in native languages. The author also analyses the role of the media in the formation of a tolerant attitude towards the representatives of other ethnic groups of the land. The research raises the need to broaden and deepen the term "information policy". It should include the language and multiethnic peculiarities of multinational regions. To the author's mind, this might help to produce a statesmanship-mentality among the representatives of different ethnic groups.

Key words: media, information policy, media of ethnic groups, intercultural communication, ethnic tolerance.

Отрасль науки: Филологические науки
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