An article is published on the official website of the magazine within 7 working days after confirmation of the acceptance of the articleIn addition, the author can order certificate in electronic or printed copy, confirming the publication of the article.

Terms for standard publication
Terms of payment Currency of payment
Prices are valid until 10/15/2018
Publication of an article up to 5 pages 250,00 1300,00 15,00
Each additional page +20,00 +60,00 +1,00
Certificate in electronic form, confirming the publication of the article Free
Printed copy of the certificate, confirming the publication of the article  120,00 5000,00 8,00
Certificate of participation in the development of a scientific topic 350,00 900,00 15,00
The account includes the equivalent of 5 US dollars for assigning the digital identifier DOI in addition.
*Individual publications of students are posted only in the International Scientific Journal "Science-online" or with a review of the candidate / doctor of science.
** The bill in Russian rubles is submitted exclusively to authors from the Russian Federation

The authors have the possibility of an urgent publication (within 48 hours) after confirmation of acceptance of the article. The cost of publication is increased by 100%.

Payment details are sent to the author after a positive decision to publish the article.

Discount. For authors who publish again, there is a 10% discount. (To receive a discount, it is necessary, when submitting an article, in the notes indicate that the author is being published again).

Payment method:

1. Bank transfer.

2. Payment cards (VISA, MasterCard).

When paying for an order with a bank card, the card details are entered in the electronic payment system of PJSC KB "PrivatBank", which has been certified in Visa and MasterCard payment systems. The data you submitted is fully protected and no one, including the editorial staff, can receive it.

3. E-money (WebMoney, YandexMoney).

4. Money transfer (Western Union, MoneyGram, Golden Crown, UniStream).