Tashkent State Technical University named after I. A. Karimov (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

Турсунов А. М., Кариева Л. С. Основные резервы развития нефтегазовой отрасли Узбекистана // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №2.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Адилов А. А., Зокиров З. М. Оценка гидрогеологических и инженерно-геологических условий месторождения горючих сланцев Актау // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2017. - №16.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Агзамова И. А., Адилов А. А., Афзалова А. Х. Оценка гидрогеологических и инженерно-геологических условий месторождения Сармич // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2017. - №15.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Annotation: The article presents the results of research and laboratory tests of multicomponent corrosion inhibitors of polymer-type steel, based on various phosphorus-containing compounds and polyelectrolytes The degree of protection in the presence of various salts is determined depending on the pH of the medium, temperature, composition and concentration of the inhibitor..

Keywords: metal, pipelines, corrosion, polyelectrolyte, polyphosphates, bicomponent inhibitors, protection, composition.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: Modern international airports need to send an aifield meteorological, aerodrome and ornitogolical information to aircraft crews and air traffic controllers. ATIS and D-ATIS systems are useful for this actions. The article describes the use of ATIS broadcasting, its application experience, as well as the advantages of the modern digital D-ATIS system.

Key words: ATIS; D-ATIS; aviation meteorology; air navigation; report; message.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: Distribution of loess and loesslike breeds and main factors of forming of минерализации of subsoil and superficial waters of Uzbekistan ar lighted up in the article. The processes of dissolution, lixiviating, are examined. Geological processes and phenomena, co-operation of geological and water environment of yavlyayuscheyasya by the main factors of forming of mineralizacii and chemical composition of waters.

Key words: Salinity, leaching, dissolution, aggressiveness, underground water, anions, chemistry, highly soluble salts.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: This article describes the features of professional English language training of such aviation specialists as air traffic controllers and pilots according to the requirements and new initiatives of the ICAO.

Key words: civil aviation; english language; learning; air traffic management; flight safety.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary: The artic is considered the main directions and measures for the development of competitive environment in Uzbekistan, given requirements and offers for perfection.

Key words: competitive, competitive environment, free competitativeness, natural monopoly, small business, private undertakings.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Annotation.This article considers the role of the securities market in the development of the national economy. Based on the analysis of the development and current state of the securities market of Uzbekistan, identified the most significant features and reserves its development.

Key words: securities market, securities, infrastructure, stock market, investment, off-exchange market, investment institutions.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary: We consider the questions of automation of the process of determining the water content in the composition vegetable oil, in particular, it is proposed to carry out this procedure in real time in accordance with the process continuous oilseeds processing.

Key words: automation, process, analysis, coulometer, titration, cell, instrument, solenoid valve, stepping motor, pump, pay.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary. In article parametres of influence of a site of a broadband network of user's access, and also quality indicators are considered by transfer on networks of the traffic of a various kind.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary. In this article an algorithm of power network’s regime optimization on complex transformer coefficients of series controlling transformers in loop is offered. The results of research the efficiency of described algorithm are presented.

Key words: power network, power losses, optimization of regime, algorithm of optimization, transformer, transformer coefficient, limitation.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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Summary. In this article the effective algorithm of optimization of power networks regime on voltages of nodes with controllable reactive power  is offered. The results of research of calculation quality of the offered algorithm are presented.

Key words: power network, power losses, optimization of regime, algorithm of optimization, criterion function, limitations, iterative process, acceleration coefficient.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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