Issue №4 (April)

Science and Global Studies, December 30, 2019 (Bratislava, Slovakia)

XLV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 11/28/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 10/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 08/29/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 07/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 06/27/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 05/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XL International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 03/28/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ISPC "Digital transformation and innovation in economics, law, government, science and educational processes", March 18-21, 2019

XXXIX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 02/27/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIII International scientific and practical conference «Scientific Debate: the Issues of Economy and Finance», 01/31/2019 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 01/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXVII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 10/31/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXXV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 10/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/28/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXXIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 08/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXXII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 07/31/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 07/31/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXXI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 06/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific-practical conference «Global Issues of Economy and Finance», 31.05.2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 05/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXIX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 04/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXVIІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 03/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІІІ ISPC «Economics, Finance and Management in the XXI Century: Analysis of Trends and Development Prospects», March 19-22, 2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

X International scientific and practical conference «The global problems of economy and finance», 02/28/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXVІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 02/27/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 01/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІІ International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance», 12/29/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 10/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XІ International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance», 09/29/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXIІІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

X International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of Economics and Finance", 07/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 07/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 06/29/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IX International scientific and practical conference «The global problems of economy and finance», 05/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 05/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

"Trends in the development of national economies: economic and legal dimension" 18-19.05.2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Council)

XIX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 04/27/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IX International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and financ", 03/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 03/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ISPC «Economics, Finance and Management in the XXI Century: Analysis of Trends and Development Prospects», March 20–23, 2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 02/27/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 02/27/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VIII International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 01/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 01/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and financ", 28.12.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VII International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 30.11.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VII International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 10/31/2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XIІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 10/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VII International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance», 09/30/2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 08/30/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІV International scientific-practical conference "Economics and Management in the XXI century: analysis of trends and prospe", 29.07.2016

X International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 07/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VІ International Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual problems of Economy and Finance", 30.06.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IX International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 06/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VI International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 31.05.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 05/30/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

V International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 29.04.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 04/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VI International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 03/31/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІІ International scientific-practical conference "Economics and Management in the XXI century: analysis of trends and prospe", 30.03.2016

V International Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual problems of Economy and Finance", 21-24.03.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

V International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 26.06.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Debate: Actual Problems of Medicine” 02/20/2016 (Joint conference with International Scientific Centre)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 12/29/2015 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IV International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 28.12.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 30.11.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 29.10.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

International scientific and practical conference “Scientific debate: actual problems of medicine” 10/28/2015 (Joint conference with International Scientific Centre)

III International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance," 9/30/2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

III International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance," 8/31/2015 (Joint Conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union

"The scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance", 30.06.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Actual problems of modern science, 06/29/2015 (joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

Global problems of the economy and finances, 28.05.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Actual problems of the economy and finances, 29.04.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance, 03/31/2015 (Joint Conference on Financial and Economic scientific board)

Actual problems of the modern science, 27.03.2015 (Joint conference with International Scientific Center)

Global problems economic and finance, 27.02.2015 (Joint conference with the financial and economic research council)

Дашковська О. Р., Казарін Б. Р., Зав’ялов Є. В. Верховенство права як фундаментальний принцип правової системи: порівняльно-правовий аспект // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Theory and History of State and Law; The History of Political and Legal Doctrines
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Іванов А. Г., Шигапова Е. І. Щодо правової природи та значення консультативних висновків Європейського суду з прав людини // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Муртіщева А. О., Плотнікова А. Д., Дубина К. В. До питання про форми голосування в сучасних зарубіжних країнах // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Constitutional Right; Municipal Law
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Іванов А. М., Блинова Д. В., Кривний В. Є. Сучасний стан розвитку та проблематика інституту реституції у цивільному праві України // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Дядюк А. Л. Відступлення права вимоги виплати дивідендів в акціонерних товариствах // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Commercial Law; Economic procedural Law
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Асірян С. Р., Заїка А. В., Ковпик О. С. Aборт: порушення статті 2 ЄКПЛ чи реалізація жінкою права вибору в контексті статті 8 ЄКПЛ // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Комарницька І. І. Профілактика правопорушень у бюджетній сфері засобами адміністративного права // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Шульга Т. М., Халецька К. К. Податкове планування: практичні проблеми реалізації // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Білоусов Є. М., Кордій Н. Г. Право на повагу до кореспонденції у розумінні практики європейського суду з прав людини // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Сорокіна А. А., Демченко В. О., Асірян С. Р. Європейський суд з прав людини як інструмент захисту прав мігрантів // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Сидоренко О. О., Желнін В. Є. Теоретичні питання захисту прав людини у цифрову епоху XXI століття // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Theory and History of State and Law; The History of Political and Legal Doctrines
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Товстоган Ю. В., Іванов С. С. Захист прав інтелектуальної власності в Україні: сучасні реалії та перспективи // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Богачова Л. Л., Сліпачик А. І., Никонюк А. П. Застосування принципу верховенства права в судовій практиці // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Theory and History of State and Law; The History of Political and Legal Doctrines
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Кононенко В. А., Гудзенко Ю. О. Правове регулювання праці жінок та осіб з сімейними обов’язками // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Labor Law; Social Security Law
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Богачова Л. Л., Гергуленко Т. С. Соціальні права людини: загальнотеоретична характеристика // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Theory and History of State and Law; The History of Political and Legal Doctrines
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Пильгун Н. В., Сохар В. В. Цінність та значення правового прецеденту, його функціонування в Україні // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Theory and History of State and Law; The History of Political and Legal Doctrines
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Саулевич А. О. Особливості медіації в Китаї // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Косінова Д. С., Івчук К. І., Чернявський О. В. Правовий аналіз сучасного стану та тенденцій розвитку законодавства ЄС та України у сфері кібербезпеки // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Шандула О. О., Буликіна Т. О. Перспективи адаптації законодавства України про адвокатуру до європейських стандартів // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Judicature;Prosecution and Advocacy
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Курило В. І., Биркович Т. І., Овчарук С. С. Правове регулювання фіскальних відносин як чинник продовольчої безпеки // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — 4.

Branch of science: -Commercial Law; Economic procedural Law
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