Issue №12 (December)

Science and Global Studies, December 30, 2019 (Bratislava, Slovakia)

XLV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 11/28/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 10/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 08/29/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 07/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 06/27/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 05/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XL International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 03/28/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ISPC "Digital transformation and innovation in economics, law, government, science and educational processes", March 18-21, 2019

XXXIX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 02/27/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIII International scientific and practical conference «Scientific Debate: the Issues of Economy and Finance», 01/31/2019 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 01/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXVII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 10/31/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXXV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 10/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/28/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXXIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 08/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXXII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 07/31/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 07/31/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXXI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 06/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific-practical conference «Global Issues of Economy and Finance», 31.05.2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 05/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXIX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 04/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXVIІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 03/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІІІ ISPC «Economics, Finance and Management in the XXI Century: Analysis of Trends and Development Prospects», March 19-22, 2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

X International scientific and practical conference «The global problems of economy and finance», 02/28/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXVІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 02/27/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 01/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІІ International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance», 12/29/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 10/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XІ International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance», 09/29/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXIІІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

X International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of Economics and Finance", 07/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 07/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 06/29/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IX International scientific and practical conference «The global problems of economy and finance», 05/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 05/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

"Trends in the development of national economies: economic and legal dimension" 18-19.05.2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Council)

XIX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 04/27/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IX International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and financ", 03/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 03/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ISPC «Economics, Finance and Management in the XXI Century: Analysis of Trends and Development Prospects», March 20–23, 2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 02/27/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 02/27/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VIII International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 01/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 01/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and financ", 28.12.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VII International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 30.11.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VII International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 10/31/2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XIІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 10/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VII International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance», 09/30/2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 08/30/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІV International scientific-practical conference "Economics and Management in the XXI century: analysis of trends and prospe", 29.07.2016

X International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 07/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VІ International Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual problems of Economy and Finance", 30.06.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IX International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 06/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VI International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 31.05.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 05/30/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

V International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 29.04.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 04/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VI International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 03/31/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІІ International scientific-practical conference "Economics and Management in the XXI century: analysis of trends and prospe", 30.03.2016

V International Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual problems of Economy and Finance", 21-24.03.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

V International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 26.06.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Debate: Actual Problems of Medicine” 02/20/2016 (Joint conference with International Scientific Centre)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 12/29/2015 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IV International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 28.12.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 30.11.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 29.10.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

International scientific and practical conference “Scientific debate: actual problems of medicine” 10/28/2015 (Joint conference with International Scientific Centre)

III International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance," 9/30/2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

III International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance," 8/31/2015 (Joint Conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union

"The scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance", 30.06.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Actual problems of modern science, 06/29/2015 (joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

Global problems of the economy and finances, 28.05.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Actual problems of the economy and finances, 29.04.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance, 03/31/2015 (Joint Conference on Financial and Economic scientific board)

Actual problems of the modern science, 27.03.2015 (Joint conference with International Scientific Center)

Global problems economic and finance, 27.02.2015 (Joint conference with the financial and economic research council)

Кундельська І. С. Особливості кримінологічної характеристики особи злочинця, що вчиняє легалізацію (відмивання) майна, одержаного злочинним шляхом // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Criminal Law and Criminology; Penal Laws
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Балакарєва І. М., Рутвян К. О. Строки звернення до Адміністративного Суду крізь призму впливу Верховного Суду // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Череватенко І. М., Карачевцева К. Д., Крохмаль Р. О., Ковальчук А. П. Зловживання цивільними процесуальними правами // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Поляков Р. Б. Підстави відкриття провадження у справі про неплатоспроможність фізичної особи за законодавством України і Німеччини // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Commercial Law; Economic procedural Law
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Кацюба К. В., Гергуленко Т. С. Реалізація особистого немайнового права на освіту в умовах необхідної вакцинації від COVID-19 // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Civil Law and civil procedure; Family Law; Private International Law
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Марочкін О. І., Лешко О. Д. Взаємовідносини адвоката та клієнта: українська та зарубіжна практики // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Judicature;Prosecution and Advocacy
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Скок О. С. Покарання, передбачені за тяжкі злочини в Кримінальному кодексі України // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Criminal Law and Criminology; Penal Laws
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Мех Ю. В., Переродова А. О. Забезпечення стандартів надання адміністративних послуг як основний спосіб реалізації прав громадян у сфері виконавчої влади // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Байрачна Л. К., Бурдай Ю. Ю. Загально-правова сутність доктрини плодів отруєного дерева як основного аспекту в системі інституту допустимості доказів // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Constitutional Right; Municipal Law
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Теліженко Л. В., Мурач Д. В. Перспективи та можливості трансдисциплінарного підходу в праві // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Philosophy of Law
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Вергунов В. А., Курило І. В., Головко Л. О. Стратегічні пріоритети розвитку спільної сільськогосподарської політики ЄС в контексті продовольчої безпеки // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -International Law
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Семчик О. О. Актуальні питання здійснення повноважень центральними органами виконавчої влади у сфері публічної фінансової діяльності в Україні // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Повидиш В. В. Концептуальні засади адміністративних процедур формування державного оборонного замовлення // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Administrative Law and Process; Finance Law; Information Law
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Байрачна Л. К., П’явка С. Ф. Право на працю у контексті Конвенції ООН про права осіб з інвалідністю // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Constitutional Right; Municipal Law
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Кушніренко О. Г., Мацак О. А., Терпіль А. О. Особливості функціонування інституту конституційної скарги в Україні: проблемні аспекти та міжнародний досвід // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Constitutional Right; Municipal Law
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Будяченко О. М. Актуальні питання визначення складу суб’єктів кримінальної відповідальності за доведення до банкрутства // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Criminal Law and Criminology; Penal Laws
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Хмиз В. Т., Скриньковський Р. М., Процюк Т. Б., Хмиз М. В., Гарасим П. С., Приведа А. В., Єсімов С. С., Микитюк М. А. Роль прокуратури України в контексті забезпечення гарантій незалежності суддів та авторитету правосуддя // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2021. — № 12.

Branch of science: -Judicature;Prosecution and Advocacy
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