International Scientific Journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences" (2020)
Science and Global Studies, December 30, 2019 (Bratislava, Slovakia)

XLV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 11/28/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 10/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 08/29/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLIIІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 07/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 06/27/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XLI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 05/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XL International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 03/28/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ISPC "Digital transformation and innovation in economics, law, government, science and educational processes", March 18-21, 2019

XXXIX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 02/27/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIII International scientific and practical conference «Scientific Debate: the Issues of Economy and Finance», 01/31/2019 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXXVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern science" 01/30/2019 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXVII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 10/31/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXXV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 10/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXXIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/28/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXXIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 08/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXXII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 07/31/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XIІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 07/31/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXXI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 06/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific-practical conference «Global Issues of Economy and Finance», 31.05.2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 05/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXIX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 04/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXVIІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 03/29/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІІІ ISPC «Economics, Finance and Management in the XXI Century: Analysis of Trends and Development Prospects», March 19-22, 2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

X International scientific and practical conference «The global problems of economy and finance», 02/28/2018 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXVІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 02/27/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 01/30/2018 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІІ International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance», 12/29/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ХXIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of Economics and Finance», 10/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XІ International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance», 09/29/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

ХXIІІ International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

X International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of Economics and Finance", 07/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XXII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 07/28/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XXI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 06/29/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IX International scientific and practical conference «The global problems of economy and finance», 05/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 05/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

"Trends in the development of national economies: economic and legal dimension" 18-19.05.2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Council)

XIX International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 04/27/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IX International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and financ", 03/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVIII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 03/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ISPC «Economics, Finance and Management in the XXI Century: Analysis of Trends and Development Prospects», March 20–23, 2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 02/27/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 02/27/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VIII International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 01/31/2017 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XVI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 01/30/2017 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 12/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and financ", 28.12.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VII International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 30.11.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XIV International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 11/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VII International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 10/31/2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XIІI International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 10/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VII International scientific and practical conference «Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance», 09/30/2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

XII International scientific and practical conference «Actual problems of modern science», 09/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

XІ International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 08/30/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІV International scientific-practical conference "Economics and Management in the XXI century: analysis of trends and prospe", 29.07.2016

X International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 07/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VІ International Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual problems of Economy and Finance", 30.06.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IX International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 06/29/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VI International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 31.05.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VIII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 05/30/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

V International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 29.04.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

VII International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 04/28/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

VI International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 03/31/2016 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

ІІ International scientific-practical conference "Economics and Management in the XXI century: analysis of trends and prospe", 30.03.2016

V International Scientific-Practical Conference "Actual problems of Economy and Finance", 21-24.03.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

V International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 26.06.2016 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific Debate: Actual Problems of Medicine” 02/20/2016 (Joint conference with International Scientific Centre)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of modern science", 12/29/2015 (Joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

IV International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance", 28.12.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance", 30.11.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

IV International scientific-practical conference "Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance", 29.10.2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

International scientific and practical conference “Scientific debate: actual problems of medicine” 10/28/2015 (Joint conference with International Scientific Centre)

III International scientific-practical conference "The global problems of economy and finance," 9/30/2015 (Joint conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

III International scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of economy and finance," 8/31/2015 (Joint Conference with the Financial and Economic Scientific Union

"The scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance", 30.06.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Actual problems of modern science, 06/29/2015 (joint conference with the International Scientific Centre)

Global problems of the economy and finances, 28.05.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Actual problems of the economy and finances, 29.04.2015 (Joint conference with Financial and Economic Scientific Union)

Scientific debate: the issue of Economy and Finance, 03/31/2015 (Joint Conference on Financial and Economic scientific board)

Actual problems of the modern science, 27.03.2015 (Joint conference with International Scientific Center)

Global problems economic and finance, 27.02.2015 (Joint conference with the financial and economic research council)

Разінькова М. Ю., Небаба Н. О. Електронний маркетинг як інструмент супроводу компанії при виході на зовнішній ринок // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Marketing
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Майданюк С. І., Привалова Н. В. Ключові фактори успіху консалтингової діяльності // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Marketing
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Dzyubina A. Problems of returns management in e-commerce // International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences". — 2020. — №3.

Branch of science: -World economy and international relations
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Гаврилюк О. В., Саінчук Н. В., Дольний Ю. З. Сучасні тренди та особливості міжнародного інвестування // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -World economy and international relations
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Войтенко В. О. Сучасні напрямки цифрового розвитку сільського господарства // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Никоненко  А. В. Діагностика конкурентоспроможності персоналу на основі концепції «будинок якості» // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Гальків Л. І., Тимчина Ю. А. Інноваційна стратегія конкурентних переваг підприємства: практичний аспект // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Лещенко Л. О. Конкурентоспроможність аграрних підприємств на світовому ринку: стан і перспективи // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -World economy and international relations
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Алданькова Г. В., Коноплянникова М. А. Інтегровані маркетингові комунікації в місцях продажу електротехнічних товарів // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Lytvynenko E. Management of innovation entrepreneurship in Ukraine // International scientific journal "Internauka". Series: "Economic Sciences". — 2020. — №3.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Чернецька Л. В. Концепція формування організаційно-економічних механізмів зменшення втрат робочої сили // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Problems of the national economy
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Дмитрієва О. І. Перспективи інноваційного розвитку транспортної інфраструктури // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Problems of the national economy
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Павлова О. М., Павлов К. В. Логістична взаємодія між суб’єктами газотранспортної галузі: механізм реалізації та перспективи // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Regional economy
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Грибіненко О. М. Зовнішньоторговельні індикатори економічної безпеки країн // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -World economy and international relations
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Глєбова Н. В., Санжаревська К. В. Визначення місця інтелектуального капіталу у системі ресурсів інноваційного потенціалу // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Шапошник О. Л. Методичні підходи до оцінювання ефективності мінімізації стратегічних ризиків процесу впровадження інформаційних технологій на підприємстві, як основного підґрунтя реінжинірингу // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №4.

Branch of science: -Mathematical methods and models in economics
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Сорокіна Г. В., Шершень В. В. Особливості використання мотиву патріотизму в українській рекламі // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Marketing
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Костюк О. С., Шандрівська О. Є., Гринів Н. Т. Дослідження розвитку агрологістики на прикладі агропромислового комплексу України // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Economy and enterprise management
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Прохоренко О. В., Ковшик В. І. Розвиток концепції корпоративної соціальної відповідальності в контексті забезпечення сталого розвитку // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Economy of sustainable development and nature management
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Калач Г. М., Корінь І. С. Заходи з протидії агресивному податковому плануванню в Україні // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". - 2020. - №3.

Branch of science: -Problems of the national economy
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