Moscow State University of Technologies and Management named after K.G. Razumovskiy (Moscow, Russian Federation)

Summary: In modern conditions of economic development for enterprises in the meat industry the use of working capital is of great importance. Working capital is a sum of funds invested in production operations, which is necessary to support each production cycle. The volume of output is affected by the presence of certain volumes of working capital, which the enterprise has. Consequently, the topic of using working capital is relevant for modern industrial enterprises, including meat industry enterprises.

Key words: Working capital, meat industry, problem of using working capital, production, meat products.


Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Annotation: In this article key problems of a banking system in the Russian Federation which are connected with crisis in economy are considered. Ways of their decision by reforming and entering of adjustments into separate acts of the Russian Federation for the purpose of stabilization of national financial sector are given.

Key words: banking system, problems of a banking system, bank risks, credit and monetary relations, crisis in economy.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Annotation: This article describes the features of the monetary policy of Russia in the period of sanctions. The conditions for the implementation of monetary policy of Russia at the present stage, the identified deficiencies of its implementation, and propose measures for its improvement.

Key  данныйwords: monetary policy, the state, money circulation, stabilizing the economy, the sanctions, the Central Bank.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Annotation. In this article the features of functioning of credit unions in Russia, the prospects for development. It is determined that the activities of credit unions is based on such main principles: transparency, self-government, equality of membership, freedom of membership and withdrawal from membership.

 Key words: credit, credit union, bank, money, exchange rate, savings, loan, pledge.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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