Lviv Cooperative College of Economics and Law (Lviv, Ukraine)

Annotation: The article examines the theoretical aspects of financial, economic and cooperative education in the light of historical, economic and cooperative factors.

Key words: economic and cooperative development, cooperative movement, the history of economic opinion, economic, financial and cooperative education development. 

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Annotation. The article examined the corporate press work, magazines and economic journals, collections, books, etc. During the review we found the features of the impact of these publications on the ongoing development of financial, economic and cooperative education in Western Ukraine during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.

Keywords: Corporate press, the newspaper "Dilo", a collection "Hromada", biweekly "Khliborob", weekly journal "Economic and Co-operative Magazine", monthly journal of “cheap Ukrainian books", monthly journal "Cooperative Republic", publication "Farmer".

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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