Kharkiv University of Humanities "People's Ukrainian Academy" (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Actual problems of modern science: Abstracts of XXХVІІ International scientific-practical conference (Moscow - Astana - Kharkiv - Vienna, December 28, 2018)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary. The article addresses methodological approaches to the development of strategic plans for businesses. The author highlights the importance of strategic plans and the existence of different approaches their formation, emphasizes the major trends and common approaches for their development.

Keywords: strategic plan, strategic planning, strategy, implementation of the strategy, enterprise, purpose, mission, analysis, internal environment, external environment, control.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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The global problems of Economics and Finance: Abstracts of IV International scientific-practical conference (Kiev-Prague-Vienna, December 28, 2015)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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