Institute for pedagogical studies and adult education of National Pedagogical Academy of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Мартиненко Л. В. Творча самореалізація вчителя як результат розвитку його естетичного досвіду // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2018. — №1.

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Annotation: Analysis of the Italian experience in the development of continuous pedagogical education in Italy in the twentieth century allowed us to characterize the main aspects of the development process of continuous teacher education in the Republic of Italy; to determine the basic theoretical positive achievements, the implementation of which are the first meaning solution in Ukraine to upgrade the national system of continuous education.

Key words: continuous process, teacher education, primary school, secondary school, professional development, Italy, XXI century.

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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