Military Academy of Chemical Defence (Moscow , Russia)

Annotation. The use of electrostatically devoted to the development of a "Project" of Power Electrostatic Spray (EPMS).

The authors argue that using an electrostatic method spraying liquid and high potential difference electric field of the Earth, it is possible to obtain electrical energy and artificial cold.

EPMS authors positioned as an alternative to the currently used devices of solar and wind energy, and the efficiency of EPMS will be much to surpass last on all counts. Currently, the authors are ready to create an experimental pilot sample EPMS, but without the involvement of specialists from other fields of science, that is hard to do.

In this regard, one of the goals of the publication of this popular science article is bringing to "Draft" people are willing to participate.

The authors believe that the implementation of the "Project" creation of EPMS, will virtually solve the problem of energy supply of mankind now and in the long run.

Note that the use of the potential of the electric field of the Earth are made for over 200 years. There are many hypotheses projects how it can be done, but almost managed to do it exactly the authors.

Keywords.  Electrostatics.  Electrostatic (electric) field.  The electrostatic field.  High-rise the potential difference of the electric field of the Earth.  Idums is a Source of High DC Voltage.  GDI – Power Electrostatic Spray.  Method of electrostatic spraying of liquids. Spray and inducing electrodes.   Electrically charged aerosols.  Artificial refrigeration.

Branch of science: Technical sciences
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