Your Locality:
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Number of publications: 3

Искандарова Г. Т., Юсупова Д. Ю. Воздействие производственных факторов на динамику показателей центральной нервной системы и работоспособность гладильщиц СП «Tash Tex» // Международный научный журнал "Интернаука". - 2018. - №1.

Branch of science: Medical sciences
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Abstract. Questions of public health in Uzbekistan, its well-being is a priority for the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The successes achieved in the fight against infectious and parasitic diseases, in many ways, are a result of the activities carried out in recent years. A conscious attitude and a thorough implementation of the requirements of the medical staff of preventive and anti-epidemic regime in health care facilities prevent the incidence of professional staff, and will also contribute to the prevention of disease of nosocomial infections in patients.

Keywords: hemodialysis, hospital infection , disinfection , anti-epidemic regime .

Branch of science: Medical sciences
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Summary: The first and main task of doctors and other employees of medical institutions is perhaps more complete and rapid recovery of the health of patients. In this task, almost all efforts directed medical science and public health. In hospitals each year thousands of people get even more people to seek help in the outpatient medical and preventive uch-tutions (LPU). The problem of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) is important, importance for health and becomes more and more medical and social significance.
Key words: medical institutions, hospital infection, hygiene requirements, planning, construction.

Branch of science: Medical sciences
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