ВУЗ / Место работы:
Lviv University of Business and Law (Lviv, Ukraine)

Your Locality:
Lviv, Ukraine

Number of publications: 4

Скриньковський Р. М., Ковалів М. В., Чистоклетов Л. Г., Крамар Р. І., Хмиз М. В., Хитра О. Л., Кайдрович Х. І. Громадський контроль за діяльністю органів прокуратури як гарантія дотримання прав людини в Україні // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Юридичні науки". — 2022. — № 3. https://doi.org/10.25313/2520-2308-2022-3-7952

Branch of science: -Judicature;Prosecution and Advocacy
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Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance: Abstracts of VIІI International scientific-practical conference (Kyiv-Budapest-Vienna, December 28, 2016)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary. The article presents the conceptual framework of diagnostics of growth factors of profit of the enterprise, which should be understood as the process of identification, analysis and evaluation of growth factors of profit of the enterprise according to relevant business indicators to identifying, evaluating and selecting optimum alternative of management solutions of all possible alternatives profit maximization in the context of the enterprise development and formation its prospects. It is been determined that efficiency level of advertising in the enterprise is among the key business indicators of system of diagnostics of growth factors of profit of the enterprise. Reveals the key applied aspects of legal responsibility enterprise for Ukrainian advertising legislation violation within the frame of management and administration and law.

Key words: enterprise, advertising, economic diagnostics, business indicators, legal regulation of advertising activity, legal responsibility.

Branch of science: Legal science
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Summary. The article presents the conceptual framework of diagnostics of corruption risks in activity of state enterprise with the aim of solving problems of legal regulation in the sphere of corruption prevention and counteraction in the activities of Ukrainian enterprises within the framework of economy and management of an enterprises and law. Based on the analysis of legislative and regulatory legal acts of Ukraine and documents of legal practice presented the key applied aspects of legal liability of enterprise for Ukrainian anti-corruption law violation in the context of improving existing and developing new (modern) of diagnostic systems activities (economic diagnostics) of enterprises.

Key words: enterprise, corruption risks, economic diagnostics, legal regulation in the sphere of corruption prevention and counteraction, legal liability.

Branch of science: Legal science
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