ВУЗ / Место работы:
Lviv University of Business and Law (Lviv, Ukraine)

Your Locality:
Lviv, Ukraine

Number of publications: 7

Скриньковський Р. М., Семчук Ж. В., Процевят О. С., Цюх С. І. Система управління інноваціями в діяльності суб’єктів е-бізнесу // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". Серія: "Економічні науки". – 2024. – №4. https://doi.org/10.25313/2520-2294-2024-4-9803

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Scientific debate: the issue of economy and finance: Abstracts of VIІI International scientific-practical conference (Kyiv-Budapest-Vienna, December 28, 2016)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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The global problems of Economics and Finance: Abstracts of VІІ International scientific-practical conference (Kiev - Prague - Vienna, November 30, 2016)

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary. The basic problems of evolution of marketing of educational services of enterprises of Ukraine are offered in the conditions of economic instability. Thus especially actual for domestic enterprises is diagnosticating of educational projects, programs, educational disciplines, account of enhanceable risk. The system of equalizations of mathematical model is worked out, with the help of that it is possible to conduct optimization of marketing strategies and tactician of complex of educational services in the system "enterprise – educational establishment", and also to give recommendations in relation to limit nature and management possible risks.

Key words: enterprises, educational resources, marketing, optimization, project analysis, project foods, diagnosticating, risks, probabilistic approach.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary. The methodological going is considered near the management of educational services of enterprises investment resources taking into account the social programs, ecological factor, and also structural deformations in a market environment on principles of project analysis.

Key words: investment resources, educational services,social economy, structural deformations, optimization, project analysis.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary. Essence of investment resources of educational services of enterprises is analysed taking into account adaptive control in the context of vocational education. For their realization around to an enterprise the system of mathematical correlations that describe the investment resources of educational services of the system "enterprise – educational establishment" in the conditions of an increase risk taking into account the special purpose capital of endowment fund is brought. An optimization model, that on the basis of the project-oriented approach binds the investment resources of educational services of enterprise to descriptions of behavioral model model of processes, project environment, models for the evaluation of risks of Altman and Taffler, is offered, that generalized taking into account in efficient losses.

Key words: investment resources, enterprise, educational services, risk, endowment fund, optimization model, project-oriented approach.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary. Essence of mechanisms of development of investment resources of educational services of enterprises is analysed in difficult economic terms. For their realization around to anenterprise the system of mathematical correlations that describe the investment resources of educational services of enterprises in the conditions of an increase risk in the context of development of eurointegration processes taking into account the having a special purpose capital of endowment fund is brought. An optimization model, that links the investment resources of enterprise, sent to by the increase of the labour of worker (personnel), that studied on the courses of in-plant training, and profit bond of teachers that actively cooperate with an enterprise and on results a collaboration form the original authorial educational programs, productivity, is offered.

Key words: investment resources, enterprise, educational services, risk, endowment fund, optimization model, authorial educational programs.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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