Your Locality:
Kyiv, Ukraine

Number of publications: 1

Abstract: Challenges were updated last decades of national security in democratic Ukrainian in particular, such as terrorism and political violence, causing a growing need to rethink the term "resilience", ie stress, safety factor. The interaction between national security and stress tolerance is rooted in perceptions and attitudes of the government and leaders as individuals. The article presents an analysis of several studies and suggested that political and psychological characteristics form the basis of the perception of citizens of the national definitions of stress. Comparing national definitions of stress created by the citizens of the two democratic countries facing domestic threats of war and terrorism (the United States and Israel) found that the perception of threat, optimism and social relations, such as patriotism and confidence in public institutions, are the most common components of perception national stress . On the basis of these results is presented to rethink the term "national resistance to stress." It can rezultirovat in the methods of stress measurement and give a basis for further study of this concept in Ukraine.

Keywords: national resilience, the perception of the threat of terrorism, the United States, Israel, terrorism and political violence, Ukraine.

Branch of science: Public administration
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