ВУЗ / Место работы:
National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Your Locality:
Kharkiv, Ukraine

Number of publications: 3

Буданова Л. Г., Буданова В. Є. Суть і загальна характеристика інноваційних технологій навчання // Міжнародний науковий журнал "Інтернаука". — 2019. — №3. https://doi.org/10.25313/2520-2057-2019-3-4753

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Summary. The comparative analysis of trendencies in the organization and conducting of the quality monitoring of educational achievements and professional training of the students of speciality «Pharmacy» in higher educational institutions of Eastern Europe has proved that there is trendency of emerging some brand new requirements to the organization of the pharmaceutical education within recent decades in Europe, especially in its professional component, to be exact there can be found the increase in the number of pharmaceutical colleges and faculties, the increase in number of the enrolled undergraduated and graduates for the pharmaceutical industry, the improvement and perfection of the programs of a professional pharmacist’s training, a step-up of the qualification demands by employers for graduates, extension of the forms and methodological approaches to the evaluation of professional knowledge and skills; implementation of the programmes of a continuous professional education, strengthening the role of employers and professional public institutions in the development of educational programs, certifications etc.

Key words: academic achievements, Faculty of Pharmacy, specialty «Pharmacy», future pharmacist, professional training, competence, tendence, Eastern Europe.


Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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Summary: The features οf the educatiοnal prοcess οf students in the specialty "Pharmacy" at universities in Eastern Eurοpe. We have analyzed the οrganizatiοn οf educatiοnal prοcess at the Faculty οf Pharmacy Bulgaria, Pοland, Rοmania, Hungary, Slοvakia and the Czech Republic fοr cycle training. Established number οf institutiοns in each cοuntry, which is training fοr the pharmaceutical industry and the number οf teaching staff engaged in training.

Key wοrds: learning prοcess, specialty "Pharmacy", a cycle οf preparatiοn, a pharmaceutical industry expert.

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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