ВУЗ / Место работы:
Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)

Your Locality:
Mukachеvо, Ukraine

Number of publications: 40

Summary: The article deals with pedagogical reflection and reflection of a teacher at comprehension, solution and evaluation of solved educational problem. Teacher’s errors that lead to errors of students in solving educational problems have been systematized.

Keywords: educational task, the subject of reflection, reflection pedagogical errors of students in solving educational problems, errors of a teacher in solving educational problems.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Abstract. In the article was separated the  issues of rational use of forest resources as the main development of the tourism industry, the participation of the rural population by the public forest.

Keywords: tourism resources, rural population, forestry, public forest.

Branch of science: Economic sciences
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Summary: Psychological characteristics of teachers’ personality formation have been examined in the study. The results of the training on teachers’ self-consciousness have been presented. Active participation in the training enhances the  teachers’ personality awareness, dispersion of illusory perception of themselves and their image in the eyes of other people (including schoolchildren), which in turn leads to positive disintegration of the integrity of personality structure that was provided primarily by mechanisms of psychological protection: the following self-analyses, self-awareness and self-improvement provide further integration of the personality to a higher level of development.

Key words: consciousness of teachers, psychological protection, identification, communication style.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Abstract. The problems of communication in education have been considered in the article. The development of communicative competence is based on the process of solving professional tasks.  The trend towards a conversational style of communication ensures the success of professional formation of the student  has been proved.

Keywords: educational communication, communicative competence, professional development, professional success.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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