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Makhachkala, Russia

Number of publications: 10

Summary:  The main provisions considered by the authors to the theoretical constructs lead to the conclusion that a person having a relationship with the biosphere not only as the result of phylogenesis, but also as an element that influence the biosphere, and the more productive that influence the development of human environmental consciousness. Under the system of ecological well-being as conditions improve individual index of psychological safety refers to the body of knowledge, subject-subject relations and attitudes on a careful human behavior in nature.

Key words:  environmental well-being, individual index of psychological safety, personality.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Summary:  Expanding the social contacts people need to arm themselves universal practices impact on others, constantly improve and optimize the communication process. Techniques of control the people had ancient peoples in the middle ages and Enlightenment. Scientists at the forefront in historical perspective set of different determinants.

Key words: the process of communication, history of psychology, social contact.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Summary: The authors identified new aspects of socio-genetical determination of development of personality of youth: the relationship of socialization and individualization, the formation of tumors or other process of social regulation and of self-determination of personality development at different stages of its formation; argue that the system of determinants of personality development today is much expanded and became more complicated: increased the number of its levels and dimensions, has increased the variety of relationships between causes, conditions, factors, preconditions.

Key words: the social Genesis, development, personality determinants.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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Summary: The authors show in the article the ways of development of psychology of Dagestan. Describe the private opinions of modern scholars on the subject of the study of rates, mechanisms and conditions of development of the individual. Consider the program of annual international conferences on the problems of personality development that take place in the Republic of Dagestan.

Key words: development, personality, phenomenology, mechanisms of development.

Branch of science: Psychological science
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