Your Locality:
Kishinev, Moldova

Number of publications: 3

Summary: The author describes the role and place of contemporary tapestry in the interior space, active tracing the process of profound synthesis of the arts, architecture, design and art of artistic weaving. In this article proposes to consider the problem of interaction and merging of the problem of these subspecies of Arts in the Republic of Moldova compared with the position on this issue in Russia and in Ukraine.

Key words: artistic tapestry, role, place, interior space, decorative art.

Branch of science: Art
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Annotation: The article presents information about technology and types of technique of weaving in the process of study the specialty Artistic Tapestry”. The author analyses symbiosis of a traditional and a new technical theoretical and practical characteristics in contemporary tapestry and its importance in the professional training of students.

Key words: artistic tapestry, technique, manufacture of the tapestry, weaving, professional training of students, decorative art, technology

Branch of science: Pedagogical sciences
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